BANDITZ BEADZ New Collection

Ontdek BANDITZ Beadz! Deze leuke armbandjes kan je ook perfect als haarelastiekje gebruiken. Dankzij hun goede rek houden ze je haar stevig op zijn plaats. Worden ze na gebruik iets wijder? Geen probleem! Je kunt ze eenvoudig zachtjes samenknijpen en ze keren weer terug naar hun oorspronkelijke vorm.

Banditz - Turquoise Light
Setz - Lumy
Setz - Lumy
Slimz - Yellow Mix
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Curry Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Petrol Goldtwist
Slimz - Taupe Velvet
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Yellow Velvet
BEADZ - Turkoois (Gold Charm)
Setz - Browniez
Setz - Browniez
BANDITZ Combo - Lupi Lups
Banditz - Yellow Mix
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Mistery
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Smoked Green Glitter mix
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Volcano Mix
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Mustard Old Goldtwist
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Autumn Mix
Grey Totem
Grey Totem
Grey Totem
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Pastel Vintage Mix
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Pearl Lavender Strass
Banditz - TurquoiseLight Goldtwist
Banditz - Ocre
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Ice Blue Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Azure White
BANDITZ Combo - Urban Touch
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - The Netherlands White Bead
Banditz - Fushia Glitter Strass
Banditz - Nightsky Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Redviolet Oldgold Twist
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Sensation
Banditz - Olive Green
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Steel Tiger Mix
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Sky Blue Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz -  The Netherlands Blue Bead
BANDITZ Combo - Happy Rainbow
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Yellow Gold Velvet
Banditz - Fluo Green
Banditz - Yellow Light
Banditz - Silver Glitter Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Blue White Twist
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Electric Blue Glitter Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Fading Daylight
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Fresh Coral
Slimz - Fluo Pink
BANDITZ Combo - Denim Vintage
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Eternal Love Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Electric Sunrise
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Para Mi
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Spiced Gold
BANDITZ Combo - Thunder
BEADZ - Gold (Gold Charm)
BEADZ - Old Roze (gold charm)
Slimz - Love Ivory Velvet (Silver)
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Babypink Yellow Strass
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Happy Blue Mix Strass
Banditz - Black Velvet X-Gold
Banditz - Electric Blue Velvet
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Jafar's Petrol Mix
BANDITZ Combo - Nightsky
BLACK FRIDAY Banditz - Bronze Gold Glitter Strass
BANDITZ Combo - Pearl Stras